Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Global Warming Debate

The United Nations Climate Change Conference next week at Copenhagen has been a buzz in the local newspapers recently, with talks of a failure in the offing.

Interestingly, the papers ran a column of what Singapore would be like in the future in battling the effects of global warming --- dykes along its coasts and lush gardens within the city. That, was what occurred to me, a rather palliative touch.

Jim Daly, the President and CEO of Focus on the Family, wrote in his musings ("At Home with Jim Daly", Focus on the Family, 2009) of broken marriages and divorces popularised by law firms specialising in dissolving marriages. While lamenting that the younger generations have trivialised marriage, Jim highlighted a research study pointing to divorce being bad for the planet. Upswing in the divorce rates contributes directly to a sharp increase in the consumption of natural resources and the creation of household waste. This (arguably) contributes to global warming.

Recently, I read of an article talking about suggestions of staying single so as not to contribute to global warming! What's next --- staying married without procreation?

We need to stop blaming marriages and procreation as a contributing factor to global warming. Mankind has yet again, proven to be selfish and self-centred in our ways of denying total responsibility to what we have been entrusted to do.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Slow Fade

Joseph reminded me of this beautiful song by Casting Crowns, "Slow Fade" recently during one of our cell group meetings. The song was played in one of the church services when Senior Pastor was anatomising the book of Daniel as a grave reminder for Christians to walk in holiness and not let sin eat us away. Many sins that we committed are those that we either frivolously dispensed them as trivial or following the worldly lifestyle and belief system.

In Daniel 5, King Belshazzar was full of himself and did not acknowledge the Lord's presence even when the Lord gave a stern warning to him with the writings on the wall. Daniel interpreted the writings that King Belshazzar's days were numbered and that his kingdom would be given away to the Medes and Persians.

Senior Pastor's message for the day was for Christians to be conscious of the supposedly "trivial and little sins" that we sometimes disregard lest we cross the line of no return, just like King Belshazzar.

How befitting is the lyrics of the song "Slow Fade"! May the Lord guard our hearts, eyes, ears and feet, so that our hearts will not be hardened and to live a life after God's heart. More importantly, I pray for God's forgiveness in any thing that we do that is not pleasing to Him. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.

Slow Fade (Casting Crowns)

Be careful little eyes what you see
It's the second glance that ties your hands as darkness pulls the strings
Be careful little feet where you go
For it's the little feet behind you that are sure to follow

It's a slow fade when you give yourself away
It's a slow fade when black and white have turned to gray
Thoughts invade, choices are made, a price will be paid
When you give yourself away
People never crumble in a day
It's a slow fade, it's a slow fade

Be careful little ears what you hear
When flattery leads to compromise, the end is always near
Be careful little lips what you say
For empty words and promises lead broken hearts astray

It's a slow fade when you give yourself away
It's a slow fade when black and white have turned to gray
Thoughts invade, choices are made, a price will be paid
When you give yourself away
People never crumble in a day

The journey from your mind to your hands
Is shorter than you're thinking
Be careful if you think you stand
You just might be sinking

It's a slow fade when you give yourself away
It's a slow fade when black and white have turned to gray
Thoughts invade, choices are made, a price will be paid
When you give yourself away
People never crumble in a day
Daddies never crumble in a day
Families never crumble in a day

Oh be careful little eyes what see
Oh be careful little eyes what you see
For the Father up above is looking down in love
Oh be careful little eyes what you see

Monday, September 21, 2009

Arts Museum Open House (20 Sep 09)

We had a wonderful time at our cell group family outing yesterday afternoon at the Arts Museum. The kids had lots of fun trying out painting, origami and balloon sculpting. It's also a great time catching up with one another and for kids' interaction and play.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Blessed belated birthday, Joseph

We celebrated Joseph's birthday yesterday at cell meeting.

Monday, September 14, 2009

"Dead Sea Scrolls and the Ancient World" Exhibition in Singapore

The "Dead Sea Scrolls and the Ancient of the World" exhibition is now showing at the Arts House, Singapore. It had been an eye-opener for me in witnessing the historical moment of the dead sea scrolls exhibiting in Asia for the first time.

There were guided tours and lectures at the exhibition, covering the discovery site of the dead sea scrolls, the canon of the Bible and the significance of the translation of the anicent Bible to English.

I've done up a mind map for the information on dead sea scrolls (above, click to enlarge) and hope to provide an overview of what I'd learnt at the exhibition.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Happy Birthday, Andy!

Happy and blessed birthday to Andy, our birthday boy in August.

Monday, August 3, 2009

FCBC's 1st Bowling Rally@Kallang Leisure Park

Last Friday's bowling rally saw such an overwhelming turnout that my cell group only started bowling at about 10pm. Nevertheless, we had a great fellowship time at Wang Cafe. Nathan had a great time playing with Joshua at Wang Cafe, which gave some respite to the frazzled parents.

It's also great catching up with Kim Seng, my ex-colleague from Webvisions.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Biblical Perspective on Chinese Customs and Beliefs

I read CH Kang and Ethel Nelson's "The Discovery of Genesis: How the Truths of Genesis were found hidden in the Chinese Language" (Concordia Publishing House, 1985) a few years ago with some understanding of how ancient Chinese words appeared to contain some aspects of biblical context. Some of the truths were etched in my mind and perhaps develop in me, an interest in traditional Chinese customs and beliefs.

Since last year, I have been practising Chinese body massage on my 2 elder children almost evey night before they went to bed. I learnt it from a book which advocated the many health benefits of Chinese massage for young children. I have been particularly conscientious of working on the Chinese way of eye massaging as I do not wish my children having myopia like me. Little do I realise the underlying origin of Chinese massage until I read Daniel Tong's "A Biblical Approach to Chinese Traditions and Beliefs" (Armour Publishing, 2007). Daniel advises against Christians learning and practising Chinese acupuncture and massage, tracing the origins of the practice to Taoism and Buddhism in ancient China.

I pray for God's wisdom in discerning the good and bad influence of traditional health practices.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Sex education - Responsibility lies with the parents

According to a recent report produced by the Ministry of Education (MOE), sex education is currently implemented in all schools, with two-thirds of all schools outsourcing it to external agencies in complementing their school programmes. Nothing alarming you may say, but today's newspaper article about the disengagement of parents in understanding the need or importance of sex education to their impressionable teens, is causing me unease.

Why? Because to me, sex education must be complemented by counselling from the parents, not just by the school or external counsellors! This concerns our young generation's shaping of moral values towards responsible parenthood, not just knowing the ABCs of the pregnancy process and use of birth contraceptives as taught during sex education classes. What more when school teachers are ill-equipped or embarrassed about teaching the subject in front of precocious students? Wrong or fuzzy concepts or moral values may be passed on and worse still, children learning about sex education through the Internet or illicit publications.

Last year, I bought a book which talks about the teaching of sex to our children in God's context. The title of the book is "I Want to Teach My Child About Sex: An On-the-go Guide for Busy Parents" by Dr Karl & Shannon Wendt (Standard Publishing, 2005). The authors emphasize the need for open communication with our children in creating the right and safe environment for sharing and listening. It has chapters dedicating to relevant topics relating to different age groups, which really help in systematically introducing the children to gender-specific messages, advocating learning through fun activities such as story-telling and the use of virtual aids. What I like about the book is the snippets of key points pointing to biblical truth to reinforce the right spiritual foundation in the process of learning. For example, for the age group of 3-6, key points such as "Tell your kids that God made their bodies and is very proud of His work!" and "Teach your child that God made us as we are --- the perfect and imperfect parts, the public and private parts, the whole thing -- and your bodies are good".

For Christians, it is our duty as parents to guide and teach our children in the ways of the Lord. I pray that Christian parents will rise up to protect our young ones against any wrongful teachings the world has so embraced in the guise of freedom of speech and liberalism, and that God will give us wisdom and patience in teaching our children according to His truth.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Reflections on the AWARE Saga

After all the brouhaha surrounding the AWARE saga and the public outcry about the alleged bigoted ways of a Christian group in the hostile takeover of a secular organisation (AWARE), I couldn't help but to pray against the threat of propagation of so called alternative lifestyles (the acceptance of homosexuality) to our younger generations in schools under the guise of sex education. Such subliminal messages to the impressionable teens not only destroy the foundation of our society's pro-family lifestyle, it run contrary to what God's consitution of a family unit since the creation of mankind.

AWARE's alleged neutral or positive standpoint of homosexuality and (shockingly) anal sexual activity is deplorable. Thank God for the revelation of AWARE's "hidden agenda" in their sex education programmes. Let us be guarded against the schemes of the evil one, who seeks to steal and rob of what God has created for good. May the Lord bless and let His light shine upon the leaders of AWARE.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Power of Parental Blessings

"God is a relational God", said Ed Silvoso at his sermon in the Chinese service this morning.

God loves Adam and Eve and treated them as His children and family. However, this relationship was broken when Satan messed it up at the Garden of Eden. Jesus Christ recovered what was lost when He died for us at the Cross! He restored our relationship with our Heavenly Father so that we could once again be restored as God's children.

Ed underscored the biblical importance of speaking blessings to our children (be them natural children or spiritual offsprings), that we need to let them know we love and like them. Ed revealed God's revelation that "curses can be broken but blessings cannot be destroyed", and that "curses last till the 4th generation but blessings carry on from one generation to another". Blessings have the compounding power and impact on our children and their next generations! The favour of the Lord from one generation would also be passed unto the next generations, as illustrated in 2 Chronicles, chapters 6 and 7. King Solomon sinned against God but God promised him that during his life time, he would not witness the division of the kingdom --- all because of God's favour on Solomon's father, King David.

In closing, Ed urged the church to invest in our children's lives by depositing blessings unto them. That echoed in my heart that as a parent of my three children, I need to be mindful of the words spoken to my children. May the words be of words that build up their characters and not to tear them down. Thank you Lord Jesus, for your divine revelation and reminder.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Transformation 09 (1-2 May 09)

"Transformation 09: Change the marketplace and you change the world!" conference, organised by FCBC and opened to the Love Singapore network of churches, was held from 1st to 2nd May 09 at Singapore Expo's Max Pavilion.

Ed Silvoso is no stranger to Singapore churches as his marketplace ministry is one of the key leaders in God's move in the marketplace. Ed dwelt on the fundamentals of God's plan in redeeming the marketplace, the Babylonia System that had brought about the current global economic crisis, and invited testimonies of marketplace leaders to share on their setbacks and victories in transforming the corporate world.

I felt blessed and encouraged by Ed's anointed messages during these 2 days of conference.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Qing Ming Festival

Qing Ming Festival is a traditional Chinese custom for paying respect to our forefathers at their tombs. It falls on the 5th term of the lunar calendar, usually in April.

This year's Qing Ming Festival started early April. 2 Sundays ago, I accompanied my parents to visit the Kong Meng San Monastry and offer my prayers to my ancestors at the columbarium. In the past few trips, my parents and relatives were surprised that I came along because of their misconceptions of Christians' resentment to honouring our forefathers. Even though I didn't participate in any of the rituals (offering joss sticks and incense papers to the forefathers), I am sure they appreciated my presence.

I believe God wants His people to honour our forefathers and parents. We need to know our roots so as to break the generational curses that flowed from our forefathers to our generations and beyond. May the Lord grant me revelation of the past generations' sins and bondages so as to deliver me and my family from these iniquities by the blood of Jesus Christ, who is our redeemer and saviour. Amen.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

In the Name of Jesus, ...

I picked up Edmund Chan's book, "Growing Deep In God: Integrating Theology and Prayer", hoping to capture some spiritual nuggets of wisdom and stumble on the chapter on "Misconceptions About Prayers" (pp. 92 to 100).

In illustrating the mentality of treating God as the genie in a bottle, he talked about a little boy's fear of the dark when his mother asked his help to retrieve a broom in the back porch, and how his mother reassured him of Jesus' protection and omnipresence. Instead of trusting Jesus to protect him while retrieving the broom, the little boy prayed to Jesus to bring him the broom!

There were a few nights where my son would refuse to sleep and told me he was afraid of the dark and even ghosts. Despite reassuring him that Jesus is the head of this household and that ghosts would run away from Him, he would still be unsettled. I resorted to teaching him a Sunday School song "In the Name of Jesus" and after he sang that a few times, he was able go to sleep easily. That's the power of declaring Jesus' name!

For those with young children, try singing this tune to them before sleep in reassuring them of God's love and protection:
In the name of Jesus,
In the name of Jesus,
We have the victory

In the name of Jesus,
In the name of Jesus,
Demons will have to flee

When we stand on the name of Jesus,
Tell me who can stand before

In the mighty name of Jesus,
We have the victory.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

International G12 Conference

The International G12 Conference, organised by FCBC, was held from 12 to 14 Mar 09 at the Singapore Expo. Many delegates from overseas churches attended the conference.

It was great seeing Pastor Cesar and his family again! I was deeply encouraged by Pastor Cesar's youngest daughter during her sharing of her diagnosed genetic disorder (rheumatic disorder) when she was younger. Her doctor told her that she would never be able to dance and lead a normal lifestyle. Believing that she has a God who heals, her family prayed for a divine healing upon her through the blood of Jesus Christ. She was healed and am now able to lead in the dance ministry in her church! Praise the Lord!

I learnt from Pastor Cesar the importance of the blessings brought about through the blood of Jesus Christ. Demons want our blood, which is why many diseases and genetic disorders originate from our blood system. Christ shed his blood at the Cross for us and redeemed our souls. So proclaiming Jesus' precious blood in healing our bodies and sins will defeat the plans of the evil one. Such is the revelation of the importance of claiming the Lord's blood and sacrifice in our spiritual warfare!

This G12 conference had a treat for us --- the final concert by Delirious!. This is perhaps my first time coming up close with the group performing in Singapore. I must say I was really impressed by the band's music and vocals! Despite a few not so well known songs (at least to me), I enjoyed "My Soul Sings" and "Majesty". I am a converted Delirious! fan already. Sad to know that the band will be disbanded and that the concert on the last day of the International G12 Conference would be their last performance. All the best to you guys!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Cell Group MTV for Joseph and Ying Ling's Wedding

After many late nights through trials and errors fiddling with Edward's videocam and researching on the Net on the conversion of VOB to AVI file format,in addition to learning some Movie Maker tricks, I've finally completed the final production.

Joseph and YL, congratulations and God bless your marriage!

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

"Here am I. Send me!"

It took just a simple memory verse to jostle me from my comfort zone. I was going through Naomi's Sunday School homework with the kids at quiet time last night and reminded of God's Great Commission for us to serve the world.

That verse came from Isaiah 6:8, "... Here am I. Send me!".

The prophet Isaiah had a vision of God sitting on a throne in heaven, with seraphims surrounding Him. It is said that seraphims have 6 wings: 2 to cover their faces, 2 to cover their feet (expressing their humility before God), and 2 to fly (expressing their service to God). And here is a perfect picture of God's servant --- seraphims willing to serve the Almighty God with humility. God wants us to be willing servants, not those who fake it just to please Him.

Last evening, I had the revelation of God's commission for us, that is, to submit to Him and be willing to say "Here am I. Send me!" when we are asked of our service to Him.