Wednesday, January 28, 2009

"Here am I. Send me!"

It took just a simple memory verse to jostle me from my comfort zone. I was going through Naomi's Sunday School homework with the kids at quiet time last night and reminded of God's Great Commission for us to serve the world.

That verse came from Isaiah 6:8, "... Here am I. Send me!".

The prophet Isaiah had a vision of God sitting on a throne in heaven, with seraphims surrounding Him. It is said that seraphims have 6 wings: 2 to cover their faces, 2 to cover their feet (expressing their humility before God), and 2 to fly (expressing their service to God). And here is a perfect picture of God's servant --- seraphims willing to serve the Almighty God with humility. God wants us to be willing servants, not those who fake it just to please Him.

Last evening, I had the revelation of God's commission for us, that is, to submit to Him and be willing to say "Here am I. Send me!" when we are asked of our service to Him.