Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Global Warming Debate

The United Nations Climate Change Conference next week at Copenhagen has been a buzz in the local newspapers recently, with talks of a failure in the offing.

Interestingly, the papers ran a column of what Singapore would be like in the future in battling the effects of global warming --- dykes along its coasts and lush gardens within the city. That, was what occurred to me, a rather palliative touch.

Jim Daly, the President and CEO of Focus on the Family, wrote in his musings ("At Home with Jim Daly", Focus on the Family, 2009) of broken marriages and divorces popularised by law firms specialising in dissolving marriages. While lamenting that the younger generations have trivialised marriage, Jim highlighted a research study pointing to divorce being bad for the planet. Upswing in the divorce rates contributes directly to a sharp increase in the consumption of natural resources and the creation of household waste. This (arguably) contributes to global warming.

Recently, I read of an article talking about suggestions of staying single so as not to contribute to global warming! What's next --- staying married without procreation?

We need to stop blaming marriages and procreation as a contributing factor to global warming. Mankind has yet again, proven to be selfish and self-centred in our ways of denying total responsibility to what we have been entrusted to do.