Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Psalm 36

The righteous will always triumph over evil! This is the gist of Psalm 36 and is God's unfailing truth for all of us.

When one is devoid of the fear of the Lord, he will naturally be deceitful and manipulative towards his fellow men. That's where the fear of the Lord is important in guarding our hearts, which leads us to see others in the eyes and perspective of God. I remember my cell leader (Patrick Gallo) telling me that we should treat others with respect and kindness because all men are creations of God. That really blew my mind. Many times when I was faced with a situation where I leaped to my own conclusion of some one else's fault and misgivings, I have sinned against God because I was not treating that person with respect and understanding. And that is an act of not respecting God's wonderful creations!

Dear Lord, with You is the fountain of life and only in Your light can we see light. So Lord, bless me with humility when I am emotionally charged in situations which I could potentially mistreat others due to self-righteousness. The fear of the God be with me, always. Thank you Jesus, for blessing me and my family with Your unfailing love. Amen.

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