Friday, February 8, 2008

Psalm 39

This psalm depicts David pleading for God's mercy for his brief life on earth.

He mentioned of watching his ways and keeping his tongue from sin at the beginning of the psalm, underscoring the power of a wilful and idle tongue, and his understanding of the power of spoken words. I like Charles Capps' interpretation of the latter: "Words are containers. They carry faith or fear, and they produce after their kind" (Charles Capps, 2004, "God's Creative Power", Harrison House Publishers). By confessing his sins to God, David was able to solicit God's forgiveness and His deliverance.

Psalm 39 is also a stark reminder to us that life is short. To God's perspective, our lives on earth is but a speck of existence compared to eternity in heaven. We need to treasure our time with our loved ones and bear witness of Christ's love to others! For what is the meaning of amassing wealth on earth without hope for eternality and richness in heaven? Count on King David to know that!

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