Saturday, February 9, 2008

Child-centred Parenting

I learnt a beautiful lesson on parenting from Gary and Anne Marie Ezzo today.

The Ezzos described of many parents focusing their attention extensively on their children, so much so that they have forsaken their first love of each other (Gary and Anne Ezzo, 2007, "Growing Kids God's Way: Reaching the Heart of Your Child With a God-centered Purpose", pp. 35-38). This not only lead to the break-up of family relationships (especially between the parents), it gives rise to children who will develop self-centredness because of a false sense of self-reliance.

I reflected on this and on hindsight, I may have placed my children's interests above my spouse's. Child-centred parenting means not spending quality time with my wife in the name of good parenting. God has meant for the husband-wife relationship to be a priority in the family. Children are God's gifts and are meant to integrate into the family structure with the installation of parental authority.

I pray that as the head of the household, I will seek to provide a balanced timetable for spending time with my spouse and children. By giving space for just my wife and I alone, I am respecting God's desire for the "one-flesh union". Thank you Lord, for such an insight and Your gentle reminder for me.

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