Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Psalm 29

God's sovereignty is outwardly proclaimed by King David in this beautiful psalm. It talks of the glory of the Lord who reigns over the heavens and the earth with examples of the Lord speaking with flashes of lightning and shaking of the desert and breaking of cedars in pieces. Surely the same God who created the earth and universe (including all of His creations on earth) has the right to judge the earth!

Recently, there have been copious reports on the potential economic recession in the west, especially the United States, which could derail Singapore's booming economy at the second half of this year. In fact, talks among friends and colleagues are now mostly centred on the fear of the revisit of the 1998 Asian economic downturn. How could we weather our inner fears, be they the fear of retrenchment or fear of escalating inflation?

We can hold on to God's peace despite the storms surrounding us!

I remember Senior Pastor spoke in one of his sermons that the eye of the hurricane is the calmest. As we ascribe to God's guidance and control over all our circumstances, we will have peace amidst the cacophonous cries of insecurity among others. Let's proclaim this aloud: "The Lord gives strength to his people; the Lord blesses his people with peace." (Psalm 29:11).

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