Friday, February 1, 2008

Psalm 32

How many times when we harbour sinful thoughts and try to cover up our sins, ending up feeling guilty and spiritually defeated? The good news is that God understands our weaknesses and wants to restore our self-esteem and our relationship with Him!

Take a look at the account of King David's adultery sin with Bathsheba and even the murder of her husband Uriah. The Bible says that David was trying to cover up his sins and was overwhelmed by intense guilt and self-condemnation for many years. God then sent the prophet Nathan to jostle him into repentence before the Lord. Honest confession of our sins and repentence to God is the only way to attain inner peace. God promises us that He will forgive our sins when we turn our hearts back to Him.

Holy Spirit, search my heart and reveal to me vividly the areas of sins where I may have sinned against God unknowingly. May the precious and healing blood of Christ purify my heart so that my guilt and self-esteem can be restored wholesomely. Bless me, my spouse and our next generations with Your favour and protection so that no calamity may befall us. Thank You, Lord. In Jesus' name I pray, amen.

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